Question Tags Lengkap: Belajar Bahasa Inggris - Hello teman-teman yang ingin belajar Bahasa Inggris. Pada kali ini akan menulis salah satu materi bahasa Inggris yaitu Question Tags. Question Tags merupakan salah satu pembelajaran yang sangat penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, sebab digunakan untuk berkomunikasi sehari-hari. Ok, langsung saja pada penjelasan:

Pengertian Question Tags

Question Tag adalah suatu kata atau ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan pertanyaan dan meminta lawan bicara untuk menyetujui pendapatmu.

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, sama dengan kata "bukan" dalam suatu kalimat, misalnya:

Jakarta Ibu kota Indonesia, Bukan?

Bahasa Inggris itu penting, Bukan?

Pedoman-pedoman untuk membuat Question Tags

Question tag memiliki berbagai macam bentuk dari question tag, seperti berikit:

Pedoman 1

Apabila pertanyaannya positif, maka question tag-nya negatif (menyangkal).


We shall be late, shan't we?

It's a nice day, isn't it?

Ali can swim, can't he?

She is reading a book, isn't she?

Fatimah comes late, doesn't she?

Pedoman 2

Apabila pernyataannya negatif, maka question tag-nya positif.


Ali can not speak English well, can he?

She will not go home, will she?

Marry did not like swimming, did she?

We are not happy, are we?

She doesn't come late, does she?

Pedoman 3

Kata yang dapat digunakan dalam question tag, hanyalah: I, you, she, he, it, we, they, dan  there.

It biasanya digunakan dalam question tag untuk menunjukan pada kata-kata berikut:





Your............. ect.

They biasanya digunakan dalam question tag untuk menunjukan pada kata-kata berikut:

Everyone                      No one

Someone                     Nobody


Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut:

Ali doesn't like milk, does she?

This film is not good, is it?

His name is Udin, isn't it?

Your sister always gets up early, doesn't she?

Everything is ready, isn't it?

There are two men in the garden, aren't they?

Nobody called on the phone, did they?

This/that is your book, isn't it?

These/those are your, aren't they?

Nobody was waching me, were they?

Pedoman 4

Dalam kalimat verbal (peredikatnya berupa kata kerja) yang berbentuk simple present dan past tense. Tembahkan do, does atau did, untuk membuat question tag-nya.


They want to watch TV tonight, don't they?

She visited my sister yesterday, didn't she?

Ali usually comes late, doesn't he?

He likes fishing, doesn't he?

They always get up early, don't thay?

Pedoman 5

Bila dalam satu kalimat ada auxiliary dan modal, maka question tag-nya dibuat dengan auxiliary atau modal yang terletak paling depan (paling dekat dengan subject).


Your house is being painted, isn't it?

He has been to Bali, hasn't he?

She will have gone to Jakarta before friday, won't she?

They will be a doctor next year, won't day?

Pedoman 6 

Dalam pernyataan: I am ............, question taq-nya adalah: aren't I? (Bukan, Am not I?)

I am a student, aren't I?

I am ill, aren't I?

I am working hard, aren't I?

Bandingkan dengan kalimat berikut:


I am not a doctor, am I?

I am not ready, am I?

Pedoman 7

Kata-kata yang mempunyai (mengandung) arti negatif (not) atau setengah negatif, question tag-nya selalu positif, berapa diantaranya adalah:

Never : tidak pernah

Seldom: jarang

Rarely : jarang

Hardly ever : hampir tidak

Barely : hampir tidak

Scarcely : hampir tidak

Few : sedikit

No/none : not any


She never goes to the movies, does she?

He's never been in Bali, has he?

You seldom get up early, do you?

They hardly ever go to town, do they?

He hasn't any money, has he?

Pedoman 8

Bemtuk question taq khusus yang digunakan untuk menyatakan:

Perintah, baik positif dan negatif (melarang) question tag-nya adalah: will you?


Stop that noise, will you?

Give me a hand, will you?

Don't forget, will you?

Take my bag please, will you?

Ajakan dengan: let's, question tag-nya adalah: shall we?


Let's go for a walk, shall we?

Let't sing together, shall we?

Let's visit Umar tonight, shall we?

Pedoman 9

Untuk kalimat majemuk, maka quetion tag-nya dibuat berdasrkan kalimat utamanya.


I belive he will come soon, won't he?

She knew what I meant, didn't she?

He made a statemant that it was a mistake, didn't he?

You rather i didn't say anything, wouldn't you?

I suppose he should have known that, shouldn't he?

Pedoman 10

Untuk membuat question tags-nya dari suati kalimat, harus diperhatkan benar berikut kalimatnya.


You'd better go home now, hadn't you?

You'd rather stay here, wouldn't you?

She'd gona to Jakarta before you arrived here, hadn't she?

He should study hard, shouldn't he?

Jawaban Terhadap Question Tags


You are working, are you?

Yes, I am.

She is not a doctor, is she?

No, she is.


He is diligent, isn't he?

No, he isn't

She is not busy now, is she?

Yes, she is.

Itulah penjelasan lengkap mengenai pertanyaan Question Tags. Jika kamu punya pertanyaan silahkan komen di kolom komentar.
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