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Adjective Clause pada Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

    Necerz.com - Hi Kamu yang sedang mencari materi Adjective Clause. Pada kali ini Necerz.com akan memaparkan materi tentang Adjective Clause: Definis, Rumus, dan Aturan pada Kalimat. Grammar merupakan aspek terpenting pada bahasa Inggris, Grammar adalah tata bahasa yang harusnya dipahami oleh setiap orang yang ingin belajar bahasa internasional tersebut. Ok, langsung saja pada pembahasan Adjective Clause-nya:

    Adjective Clause

    Adjective Clause atau juga disebut Relative Clause adalah sebuah anak kalimat (dependent/sub-clause) yang difungsi untuk mejelaskan noun dengan tujuan mendeskripsikan, mengidentifikasi atau memberikan informasi lebih jauh tentang noun tersebut. Noun pada konteks tersebut berfungsi sebagai head (dijelaskan) akan menjadi antecedent (tempat rujukan conjunction.

    Karena adanya antecedent inilah yang menjadikan ciri khas bagi adjective clause, dan juga dapat mengambil kesimpulan atau rujukan untuk membedakan antara clause lain, seperti Noun Clause dan Adverbial Clause.

    Kata “man” adalah noun dan pada kalimat tersebut menjadi head (inti frasa) dan juga menjadi antecedent dari adjective clause “who is standing at the door”.

    Macam-macam Conjunction dari Adjective Clause

    Ditinjau dari fungsi, conjuction dari adjective clause dapat diklerifikasika menjadi:

    Relative Pronoun
    as Subject (RPS)

    whoDigunakan ketika antecedent-nya berupa person
    which Digunakan ketika antecedent-nya berupa benda (non-person)
    ThatDigunakan ketika antecedent-nya berupa person maupun berupa benda (non-person)


    Conj + V (+Object+Adverb)


    The man is my close friend.
    He helped you yesterday.

    Kalimat tersebut dapat disatukan menjadi satu kalimat dengan menggunakan aturan adjective clause, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini:

    1. Tentukan noun dan pronoun-nya yang sesuai.

        The man sebagai noun dan he adalah pronoun-nya.

    2. Ganti Ponoun tersebut dengan conjunction yang sesuai. 

       Conjunction yang sesuai dengan he adalah who atau whom.

       He helped you yesterday menjadi:

            who helped you yesterday.

            that helped you yesterday.

    3. Letakan cojunction-nya beserta seluruh bagiannya setelah antecedent-nya.

       The man who/that helped you yesterday is my close friend.  

    contoh lain:

    The keys have disappeared.
    They were on the table.

    Contoh di atas berbedah dengan contoh sebelumnya karena berupakan thing (non-person). maka pilihannya adalah Which atau That.

      The keys which/that were on the table have disappeared.

    kami juga akan memberikan cara menggunakan adjective clause pada sebuah pertanyaan.

    Did you see the letter?

    It came this morning.

      Did you see the letter which/that came this morning?

    Cukup diambil sebagai catannya bahwa conjunction that lebih sering digunkan dianding, who dan which, seperti:

     This is the best book that I have ever read.

    as Object  (RPO):

    whomDigunakan ketika antecedent-nya berupa person
    which Digunakan ketika antecedent-nya berupa benda (non-person)
    ThatDigunakan ketika antecedent-nya berupa person maupun berupa benda (non-person)

    Catatan :
    Conjunction "who" juga bisa digunakan untuk menggantikan conjunction "whom", namun rumus tersebut hanya digunakan pada non-formal saja.  

    Conjuction di atas dapat menjadi object of transitive verb dan object of preposition. 

    Baca juga: Auxiliary Verb: Jenis dan Fungsi dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Object of Transitive


    Conj+Suject+Verbtransitive + (Adverb.)


    The man is standing at bar.
    Nadi knows him.

    cara untuk menyatukan dua kalimat diatas hampir sama as subject. 

    A man whom/that Nadhy knows is standing at bar.

    kamu juga bisa menghilangkan conjunction whom/that karna orang telah paham maksudnya, seperti:

    A man Nadhy knows is standing at bar.

    Asbiah is the girl.
    We met her last night. 

    Asbiah is the girl whom/that we met last night.
    Asbiah is the girl we met last night.

    The move wasn't very good.
    We saw it last night.

    The move which/that we saw last night wasn't very good,
    The move we saw last night wasn't very good. 

    She is reading a novel.

    My friend bought it tree days ago.

    She is reading a novel which/that my friend bought three years ago.
    She is reading a novel  my friend bought three years ago.

    Object of Preposition 

    Terdapat dua cara untuk menyusun adjective clause yang menjadi object of preposition. kamu bisa meletakkannya di awal atau di akhir pada adjective clause-nya, seperti penjelasannya:

    Preposisi diletakkan di awal adjective clause-nya (prep+conjunction), pada form (pola) ini dinganggap sebagai struktur formal.

    Preposisi diletakkan diakhir adjective clausenya, pada hal ini, conjunction yang biasanya digunakan adalah 'whom', 'which', 'who' dan 'that', akan tetapi terkhusus untuk who dan that tidak bisa digunakan dengan pola yang pertama, polanya seperti berikut:


    Preposition + conjunction + Subject + Verb + (+Object).

    Conjunction + Subject + Verb + (+Object) + Preposition.

    The man was very nice.
    We spoke to him.

    The man to whom we spoke was very nice. (Formal)

    The man who(m)/that we spoke to was very nice. (Informal)

    The man we spoke to was very nice. (Formal)

    The man is standing over there.
    I told about him.

    The man about whom I told you is standing over there. (Formal)

    The man who(m)/that I told you  about is standing over there. (Informal)

    The man I told you about is standing over there. (Formal)

    I must thank the people
    I got a present from them.

    I must thank the people from whom I got present. (Formal)

    I must thank the people  who(m)/that  I got present from. (Informal)

    I must thank the people  I got present from. (Formal)

    The music was good.
    We listened to it last night.

    The music to which we listened was last night was good. (Formal)

    The music which/that we listened to last nigh was good.  (Informal)

    The music we listened to last nigh was good. (Formal)

    She lectured on a topic.
    I know very little about it

    She lectured on a topic about which I know very little. (Formal)

    She lectured on a topic which/that I know very little about(Informal)

    She lectured on a topic I know very little about(Formal)

    Baca juga: Tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris, Mengetahui Rumus dan Penggunaannya


    Conjunction of adjective clause sperti 'whom' , 'which', dan 'that' yang difungsikan sebagai objek beleh ditiadakan seperti contoh di atas. 

    As Proposition (RPP)

    WhoseDigunakan untuk kepemilikan berupa person dan thing
    Of which Digunakan untuk kepemilikan berupa benda (non-person)


    Whose + Noun + Verb (+ Object).


    Whose + Noun + Subject + Verb Transitive.

    Noun + of Which + Verb (+ Object).

    Noun + of with + subject + Verb transitive.
    I have got a friend.
    His brother is an actor. 

    I have got a friend whose brother is actor.  

    They are the people
    Their house caught fire. 

    The are the people whose house caught fire.

    The boy is in Australia.
    His dog I am looking after. 

    The boy whose dog I am looking after is in Australia. 

    The  mountain was an impressive sight.
    Its peak was barely discernable. 

    The mountain, whose peak was barely discernable, was impressive sight. 

    The mountain, the peak of which was barely discernable, was impressive sight.

    We are introduction a new system.
    its aim is to  reduce costs.

    We are introducing a new system whose aim is to reduce costs.

    We are introducing a new system, the aim of which is to reduce costs.

    Pada adjective clause yang menggunakan "noun of which" harus didahului dengan tanda baca koma (comma). Sedangkan pola "whose + noun" yang juga bisa menjadi object of preposition, seperti:

    The president has noting to hide.
    The newspapers are so  interested in his private life.

    The President, in whose private life the newspapers are so interested, has noting to hide.

    Phyllis is the woman,
    We once stayed at her cottage.

    Phyllis is the woman whose cottage we once stayed at.

    Selain tersebut di atas, conjunction "whom", "which" dan "whose" juga bisa digunaka setelah pronoun yang berupa quantity atau number, seperti; some of, many of, most of, none of, one of, two of, half of, both of, neither of, each of, all of, several of, a few of, little of, a number of dan lain-lain. Sedangkan punctuation (tanda banca) yang digunakan dalam struktur ini adalah tanda baca 'comma' (koma) seperti:

    My friend will be at the party. 
    Some of them you have met before. 

    My friends, some of whom you have met before , will e at the party.

    In my class, there are 20 students.
    Most of them are from East Java.

    In my class, there are 20 students, most of whom are from East Java. 

    He gave several reasons.
    Only a few of them  were valid.

    He gave several reason, only a few of which were valid.

    The teacher discussed Jim.
    One of his problem was poor student habits. 

    The teacher discussed Jim, One of whose problem was poor student habits.

    Untuk antecedent yang berupa collective noun, maka conjunction 'whice' digunakan ketika mengacu pada sesuatu  kesatuan kelompok, seperti:

    He spoke to the Crowd which was following him.

    Itulah kesimpulan tentang Adjective Clause silahkan coret pada kolom komentar yah.

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